CG 24/97 Home

smiling garfield

This is the digital domain of CG 24/97 of Temasek Junior College.

Come in and get to know the bunch of ultra-cool guys and gals that make up this fantastic class!

             Our Class Photo
(A somewhat antiquated photo of us in front of TJ Admin Block.)


About Us





We are a Science class of 21 (8 guys & 13 gals) currently doing our 'A' level course in Temasek Junior College (TJC) Singapore. The subjects we are taking include General Paper, 'AO' Chinese, 'AO' Malay, Maths C, Physics, Chemistry, English Literature and Economics. Future engineers, lawyers, economists, architects and chemists will come from our class.


All of us are very 'ON' in our PDPs (Personal Devt. Programmes). These include the Leo Club, Library, Sailing, Taekwando, Rugby, Artivity Club and many others. We are physically fit and our class is proud to be one of the top 10 fittest classes in TJC for 1997. (One very good reason not to mess around with us!)


Most of us have been together for more than half a year now and we really stick like glue. (OK I admit that was quite corny...) Sometimes we can really talk niao hua for hours in a row. In boring lectures, chit-chatting kills time for us and in tutorials, jokes and laughter are never in short supply.




                                                           a cool garfield  odie drooling

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